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Gothyka part 1: A gothic sci fi nightmare about psychics, academia, and bending destiny and reality to your will all hosted in brooding labyrinthian architecture.  Inspired by Bloodborne, Vampire Hunter D, The Matrix & Hellsing

Hell has come to earth in the form of a viral plague of madness, and an academy holds a secret order of Psychics that stand their only chance of prevailing. Nastika, the most promising among them, seeks to reach the center of the madness and attain ultimate enlightenment.  92 illustrated pages remastered from a 7 month update cycle. Remastering done by myself and Swordheart with a cover by Insect.

Please consider purchasing, though feedback/fan content is greatly appreciated. Enjoy!

Published 27 days ago
TagsComics, Gothic, Horror, seinen, Webcomic


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

gothykapart1.pdf 193 MB
Gothykavolume1.cbz 235 MB

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